Monday 28 January 2013

BLOOD PAINTING (Save Nature & Trees)

This Also done in my Blood on new year vocation. this paint speak about dont cut trees,There is End of the human with nature..

My Blood Painting (Donate Blood)

Done it in my Blood on 2013th New year celebration, i have donated the blood for the new year and i painted this to promote donation of blood. this paint speak about donate blood save life. here a Bindu of blood is gifting to the needy.. Please donate your precious BLOOD at least once in a year..  

Saturday 26 January 2013

God is One

This my cement creativity which is done in my new home in native.It says whatever the name we called,but the God is one..we could see the symbol of Cristian, Muslim, and Hindu in the picture and there are two persons with same board saying "I am Hindu, I am Muslim, I am Crist" But in the middle i have shown the symbol of one. means that God is one..